Category: How to…

Raised garden beds can be placed side by side at waist level for easy access

How to Build a Raised Garden Bed

Prevent poor drainage, compacted soil, and intrusive weeds from reducing or destroying your raised garden’s production. Discover how building raised garden beds can increase your harvest and protect your garden. gathered information about...

Trimming heavily overgrown bushes

How To Trim Overgrown Bushes

Keep your yard from becoming an embarrassment with ugly, overgrown bushes. Knowing how to keep your bushes and shrubs from getting out of control will help you keep your yard looking magnificent and well-kept....

Gravel garden path

How To Make A Garden Path with Gravel

Prevent your grass and plants from being trampled on and dying. By making a gravel path through your yard and garden, you can guide foot traffic while enhancing the newfound elegance of your greens...

Organic soil will benefit your vegetable garden

How To Make Organic Soil for Your Vegetable Garden

Lacking or nutrient depleted soil is sure to underperform and leave your crops struggling to produce during growing season. By knowing how to make organic soil, you can produce a vegetable garden with amazing...

How to Create An Edible Hedge

Personally, I love creating beautiful, inviting gardens that make you want to spend time in them. What can be an added bonus is making your garden edible! With garden spaces getting smaller and smaller...

How To Create a User Friendly Patio

As the nation becomes more urbanized and yards get smaller, many people have less property to plant gardens.  In some cases people may only have a small patio with dirt surrounding the patio.  Having...

How To Create A Beautiful Front Yard

The front yard of a home is a statement to the whole neighborhood of what the people who live in the house are like.  Some yards are cluttered with junk or cars and do...

How To Maximise A Small Garden

Small Gardens encourage the need for more gardening involvement especially when creating a gardening spectacular for all year round. There are plenty of opportunities and some constraints when creating small gardens. You can create...