Author: GreenThumb

A Few Useful Sustainable Gardening Ideas

If you are planning to create your own vegetable garden, work towards sustainability. If you are calling the landscaping services for making your garden, you need to ensure that the service provider could make...

Little Bulbs For Great Results

We like trout lilies, sometimes called dog-tooth violets, for their graceful reflexed petals and gay natures. The slightest breeze send them into a ballet. They bloom in April and thrive in any damp semi-shady...

Herb Gardening Landscape Design

Choosing A Herb Garden Landscape Design People have used herbs for thousands of years in their everyday lives from medicine to seasoning people have used herbs.  Today people sometimes take inspiration from older herb...

A Guide to Growing Plants and Earning Money

Growing plants is certainly a nice hobby to have, we know this at It is also possible to transform the hobby into an additional source of income. You can easily transform a section...

Bulbs For Spring

Instead of growing our daffodils and other spring-flowering bulbs formally—in beds and borders—we naturalize them. This reduces care to almost nothing. What a pleasure just to plant, knowing that with most of the bulbs...

How to Create a Cottage Garden

The image of a cottage as opposed to a house is most complimentary.  When one thinks of a cottage, the image is of comfort, beauty and serenity.  A cottage design garden is all of...

Drawbacks of Organic Farming

Organic farming actually means the way people were producing foods for several years before the synthetic and chemical fertilizers became dominant.  The process of organic farming never allows synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, GMOs (Genetically Modified...

The Patio

In today’s society we love our outdoor living spaces! An all-weather patio is essential to enjoy our outdoor get togethers or even just relaxing and enjoying the fresh air. You can decorate your patio...